So, we get it. Facebook’s totally addicting, the perfect time waster, and kind of the best place to virtually ‘hang out,’ especially if you’re an introvert. What’s the problem? Recent studies have shown that there are serious downsides to the social media monster we’ve all come to have a love/hate relationship with. Here’s how to tell if your relationship with Facebook has become a negative thing for your life.
The LONG Log-In
Studies show that the average person spends over an hour on Facebook a day. Where do you weigh in? Do you feel it’s better or worse if you do a “quick check” every 10 minutes verses staying logged in all the time? If you think you’re spending too much time, try deactivating your account temporarily, or making a small change. One reader told us she doesn’t have the FB phone app, and she’ll only log in from time to time by actually using her browser to access the site.
The Prettier Peeper
Ok, if that chick uploads one more over-edited bikini pic I’m going to lose it… but not before I look at all of her photos in this vacation album and maybe like a few of them. Sound familiar? More recent studies show that people are becoming increasingly more insecure because they tend to compare themselves with others on Facebook who are living seemingly “happier, perfect lives.” You know this isn’t true! Just look at your own profile photo. Are you always looking that perfect? That’s what we thought. If you find yourself engaging in this behavior, we suggest you take a moment to pamper yourself and remind you that YOU are beautiful, and that life is not a competition!
The Dirty Laundry Lady
Well, your Facebook is like the social media version of COPS. Everyone is watching your page to see what’s going down next and simultaneously secretly enjoying your dirty laundry while hypocritically making fun of you for it. Ditch the dishing and focus on your inner peace. Call your sister, your mom, or talk to your cat. Whatever you do, don’t over-share! And if you’re the private peeping tom watching this unfold: shame on you. At least the Jerry Springer audience shows themselves!
The Ex Stalker
Probably the most common negative habit of them all, (and you guessed it) recent studies have shown that this super bad behavior causes you to become emotionally stale and unable to move on with your life. We totally get your urge to see if the guy you dated 10 years ago still has his Burt Reynolds mustache (it was so hot at the time, wasn’t it?) but the truth is woman, you are not doing yourself any favors by seeing Mr. Stache again. So he’s got a new girlfriend and she’s a supermodel. Uh- probably not. Any old boyfriend can take a good photo of a poster they have hanging up in their mom’s basement and try to pass it off as their real-life lady. You don’t need to look back.